Sunday, August 17, 2008

Love Overcomes All

Rachel is on the right so happy about her purple balloon!!

There is a baby here named Rachel, who is probably almost 2 years old. She arrived at Cradle of Love about 2 weeks before we got here. Her parents fled Burundi with her and her young brother because of violence and unrest within their community. By the time they got to Tanzania, a woman found the 7 year old boy on the streets taking care of Rachel alone. From talking with the boy, she could only assume the parents were no longer living. She was brought to COL, but the brother was sent somewhere else since he was older. 

When we first met her, she was very reserved and somber. She never smiled. She was very obedient, but there was no life behind her sad eyes. She would let us hold her and hug her, but there was no love being returned. I often wondered what she has already seen and heard in her short little life. 

But I am happy to report that 2 weeks later, she is like a different child! She is starting to talk a little and is actually laughing!! When you call her name, her face lights up with the most beautiful smile. She has begun to start pushing some boundaries, but its a good sign because now she knows that someone cares enough to tell her "no." and to discipline her. It has been amazing to watch love bring this child back to life! 

What a picture of what Jesus' love does for all of us....brings us to life!! What a true honor to be here and to be Jesus to these children. Their kisses, their giggles, even their little rebellious spirits fill me with joy. I sat with Rachel tonight and she was playing with Liza's (another volunteer) watch and when she would push the button that would make it light up, she would shriek and say "Yayyyy!!" This is why I'm here.... 


Grace said...

I am proud of my booty!

Unknown said...

what an amazing journey you are on! it doesn't surprise me at all that you have such a compassionate heart and the will to accomplish great works of in the name of love. hearing the stories of the people you work with is an inspiration. keep me posted! sending prayers your way...