Fabien's mud hut is right across from Jumanne's. Over time visiting Juma and the girls, I started getting to know Fab and his family and their situation. He is blessed to have both his mother and father still living together along with his older sister and younger brother, plus his mother's 15 year old sister. And I felt like he was doing well because his family was all still in tact. However, over time I felt like the Spirit was telling me, just because he has two parents it doesnt mean he does not need help. There are 6 people living in a tiny hut made compl
etely of mud and rats that run all over the place. The children are not in school and many times do not have enough food.
It is so hard when you are trying to help people, because you can get trapped by the mindset of I have to help the most desperate ones! But who I am to say who is the most desperate? How can i determine who needs what the most? I have been trying to go against any of my own natural instincts and just go with who Jesus tells me to help.
So here he is......

Fabien (4 years old)
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