What do you do when God may be asking you to do something that seems crazy maybe even irrational by worldly standards? It is really hard...lately there have been a lot of questions, a lot of tears, and uncertainty but if I sit with it long enough I hear "Trust Me...." And isn't this how we were designed to live? Constantly on our knees, looking to him, seeking His will, and searching for our security in Him alone? I know why I don't put myself in these positions more often...because it is scary and uncomfortable to not know how things are going to turn out. But the reality of it is, no matter how cushioned I think I am...I still don't know how things are going to turn out! So why am I scared? Jesus says throughout scripture "Do not be afraid."
So I cling to the fact that I am His...and it's not about me, everything is about Him. He will make my paths straight as long as I am keeping my eyes on Him. I know that He loves me and has a plan for me. What an awesome God that he reveals Himself in His time not to frustrate or worry me but because He longs for a relationship with me. He wants me to trust Him so that he can just be who He is...the Mighty King of all creation!
So when I'm tired, confused, lonely or lost, its often because im trying to live out of my own flesh. God lets me fight those little battles to remind me of my need for Him....He leads me to the Cross where my soul finds rest...
my soul finds rest in god alone...my life verse...loved your most recent post. Psalm 62:1
Heath, thank you for sharing your heart with all of us. I feel so blessed to know you! You continue to encourage and inspire me everyday. I love you so much!
"Glory to God, forever
Take my life and let it be, all for You and for Your glory."
I second Sarah's post. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.
Love you
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