One night a couple of weeks ago after the children had all gone to bed, I was hanging out in the downstairs kitchen with some of the nannies. Nanny-Neema seemed not her usual spunky self so I asked her if she felt ok. She said she was sad because her sister was very sick.
"What's wrong with her?" I asked. She described her symptoms as strong stomach pains and headaches. I told her I was sorry and that I would pray for Violet.
Throughout the following days, I asked Neema how Violet was feeling. Unfortunately she came to me with a grim report...Violet had gone to the clinic and been diagnosed with malaria, tuburculosis, and HIV. Turns out her husband had passed away recently from the disease as well.
A few nights later, Neema and I were giving the toddlers their snack before bed and she invited me to come to her house and meet Violet. I felt so incredibly humbled and honored that she would welcome me into that part of her life. I told the other three girls and they wanted to join as well. So sweet Neema rode the dala dala (public transportation aka broken down van that carries a minimum of 30 people) to COL to pick us up and take us to her house. Going to someone's home here creates such a bond and they are so grateful...In America, it is often the other way around, you feel so honored when you are the guest. Here they are the honored to have you in their home. But I know we felt just as blessed to be there as they did to host us.
When we arrived they were of course so welcoming. "Karibu! You are so welcome..feel at home!" First, we meet her mother who hugs us and gives us the double cheek kisses. :) Then we meet her brother, sister-in-law, and finally her two little nieces who could not have been more precious. Lightnus and Joyce were their names and they were nine and seven. They came up to us and curtsey and say "it is so nice to meet you." in their gentle but perfect english. They have one little hut, but they are pretty "well off" with two cows and several chickens running around. They set out little stools outside for us and after getting a little more acquainted, Violet comes out to meet us. She appears to be doing pretty well, despite looking weak and tired...she is lovely.
Then they serve us cokes in bottles and Neema asked Lightnus to pray.
"Dear God thank you for these drinks. Amen."
It was so simple but beautiful. Why do we make it complicated? Prayers do not have to be elaborate or super spiritual, just be thankful, like Lightnus. After a little while, I asked Neema if we could circle around Violet and pray for her. I held her hand and asked God to heal her and bless their family...I don't really remember what all I prayed but I tried to keep it simple and and just believe.
At the end of the visit, I gave Lightnus and Joyce each a miniature candy bar and I was amazed as I saw them both pinch off about half of it and give it to their aunt Violet. Sharing, giving...never-ending theme.
There were some moments that were a little awkward when no one was talking (the language barrier kicks in at times) but I have learned to embrace those moments all the same because it means so much to them for us to be there. Surely I can handle a few uncomfortable moments of silence, if Neema's mother who speaks no english can sit there with us for hours not understanding a word we say but be so incredibly grateful that we are there. Neema translated for her several times that they were so blessed to have us.
Gratitude is not something they lack, Lightnus and Joyce profusely thanked us for the candy with hugs and kisses and holding our hands. They kept saying, "Asante for the yum-yum." We took lots of pictures and there was lots of embracing. They all walked us back down the long dirt road to the dala dala stop and Neema's brother was thanking me for coming and thanking me for my heart for the orphans of Africa. But I told him that Africa blesses me maybe even more and he said, "We depend on each other." Amen!!!!!
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