So this is just really something I have been struggling with lately and I thought I would put it to paper. (or blog...whatever.) Something that has always amazed me about Africa is how everyone helps each other. If someone does not have food they just go eat at a neighbors house and then later when they are able they in turn provide something for their neighbor when they are in need. You see people sleeping up to six people in one bed because their family or friends have no place to go. You hear of entire villages contributing money when someone passes away. I have been awe of this way of life so much in fact it's what inspired the name of my organization. It is easy to stand back and admire the life that some people live. But what happens when God asks you to quit simply being "in awe"....but to move in the direction of whatever it is that you see in that person that moves you. Because of adopting my little girl, Neema, I have come to know many people in her village and many more know me. People know me as having taken in not just Neema but now they see how I am helping Jumanne, Rehema, Miriam, and Fabien. People approach me or Vincent all the time about helping them with their own children, friends children, or simply themselves. They see me in my car, they see Neema in nice clothes, they see the FOUR going to school. They see opportunity in me. But I can't help everyone, that is what I have to tell myself ALL THE TIME...but then again, can I do more than I do? The answer has got to be yes. I think we can all do more than we think we can. We can all be stretched a little more, we can all sacrifice a little more. But where do we draw the line? This question has been nagging at me for weeks now! Neema's uncle has no job, he did not go to secondary school, and though he has tried cannot seem to find consistent work. (To put a little in perspective about the typical African wage - he recently climbed Kilimanjaro as a porter for NINE days; climbing the worlds highest free standing mountain carrying an oversized bag on his head- again for NINE days and made less than $25) Over the past few months I have helped him with his rent and the other day he came to me as his rent was due again. I found myself faced with a predicament. In my world, this was just not a good time. It's December and I have a lot of expenses this month, Christmas, adoption fees, my own rent, etc. So my initial response was to tell him I couldn't do it this time. But then I began to wonder where will he go? And so many people depend on him. In this culture, family is life insurance. I'm not sure why the burden has fallen all on Calvin as he has no job to support even himself, but for whatever reason his grandfather, cousin, and uncle all lean on him for food, medicine, school fees, whatever the needs...I do have the $100 to get him through the next three months but $100 would also go a long way for the FOUR. And its half my budget for food for Neema and me in a month. There are so many places it can go. Lead me Jesus....where do we draw the line between being wise stewards of our finances and GIVING freely because we have freely RECIEVED?!
In Africa, sometimes you come across problems because the people don't always know how to plan ahead with their money, they don't know how to save. But is this ALL bad? They don't hoard. They don't know how to be selfish. As I was discussing this issue with Vincent about whether or not to give the money to Calvin, he just said "If you have it, give it." It was just so simple. Is $100 going to put me out? No. But even if it was, im still not sure I shouldn't give it anyway. Aren't we called to serve the 'least of these'? Do I take in more children and just trust God to provide? Or do I continue to trust in my own devices? My hope and prayer this Christmas is that we can all learn to just let go a little of our own sense of understanding. And out of reverence and obedience GIVE even when it's scary or maybe even hurts. Then the King will say, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me...."
Search your heart....ask Jesus where the line is for you. I am asking Him the same thing everyday.
Christmas (Dec. 2012)
12 years ago
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