I love landing in Tanzania and stretching from my seat to look out the window at my first glance of the big KILIMANJARO sign that sits above the tiny airport. Everyone rushes to unload their big packs from the overhead bins either prepared for the big trek to the top of Africa (Mount Kilimanjaro) or excited to see their very first Zebra in either the famous Ngorogoro Crater or the vast Serengeti Game Park! But for me I'm in a hurry to not be in a hurry. I am here to be with my babies. To love them. These five children that I met nearly 2 years ago have taken up residence in my heart and while this trip was difficult because we are in such a time of uncertainty and transition, it is good to just be with them and know that they are safe, we are together, it is good. He is good.
All five of them are there to greet me at the airport. Oh my heart. What an awesome welcome back reunion!
I have not seen these faces since last November and I just can't believe how much they have grown! Miriam and Fabien have their "big teeth" in the front. And Jumanne is almost as tall as I am! I want to hit pause on their growing, because I am missing too much! Their English has improved so much!! Especially Jumanne and Witness who are both in the third grade. I am just so proud of them.
They are staying with friends temporarily and that is where we are here, playing a game of BINGO. But this house where they are staying is a business. The people who work there are doing me a huge favor by allowing them to be there, but they need their own house desperately.
This is sweet Miriam. She is the youngest girl, at six years old. She is full of life and loves to be snuggled and tickled. I love her affectionate spirit. Her English is definitely improving. She can understand much of what I say to her, but she is still learning how to respond. She just giggles and sparkles. :)
Here we are visiting their home village. Behind me is one of Miriam's aunts and in between Rehema and Witness is Nursura. She is Miriam's cousin and their grandmother desperately wants me to take her as well. And I desperately want to, just like I want to every other time I see a hopeless situation with an innocent child who I know may not eat dinner that night or who will wake up the next morning to another day of neglect. I look at where my five were 2 years ago and I praise God at how he has provided for them and blessed them.

Admiring my new blanket that Miriam's grandmother gave to me as a gift. She has had it for a year and been waiting for me to come back. She said her prayers had been answered because she was afraid she would die before she could give it to me. They have such a different perspective on life and death, she truly looks at each day as a blessing and knows that 'tomorrow' is not promised. Such a deep reminder for me. In my journal on that day I wrote "am I being who I want to be?"
I love taking my children back to the village to visit old neighbors and friends. It helps them stay connected to their community but it also presents a great opportunity to return the blessings God has poured onto them by delivering medicine, toothbrushes, soap, bandaids, etc. to those who are lonely, sick, or hurt.
This is home to so many babies just like mine. I remember the first time I brought Jumanne and his 2 younger sisters back to my apartment and gave them baths. The dirt that blended in with their skin could have been coating them for days, I had to refill the bathtub with fresh water 3 times before it stopped turning brown. I want to give baths to every single angel I see as I walk through these streets. I want to wrap them up in soft towels and even if it was just for one day, tell them, You matter. You are precious. You have a God that loves you.
But for now, I will tell these girls...You matter. You are precious. You have a God that loves you. And I am thankful that I can wrap them in towels- but more importantly that I can wrap them in TRUTH. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16).
There she is...such a snuggler.
Chopstix - cross cultural phenomenon.
I cant believe she ate this "Japenese" food. She is typically the pickiest eater ever. Proud of her. :)
Please pray for these 5 children. For their new home a new caretaker. We wait in hope.
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23