When Jesus turned the water to wine in Chapter 2, he could have just said the word or blinked his eyes and it would have instantly been wine....but no, he said to his servants, "Fill the jars with water." The people got to take part in his miracle.
Later in Chapter 6 when Jesus fed the 5000, he could have given all of the instructions and fed everyone himself miraculously placing food in front of each person, but no he told his disciples, "have the people sit down." When everyone had all had enough to eat he again said to them "gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted." The disciples did not just stand there and watch, they were an active part of Jesus provision.
God does not need us for His purposes, he is the King of Kings. He created the Earth and everything in it. It all belongs to Him. But how awesome that our Maker wants us to be a part of his story. He has not changed he is still performing miracles all the time and I think he longs for us to trust him enough to be a part of His glory! I hope you feel inspired to get with Jesus and do the "impossible"!! :)